Working Group
for Recognition of Leading Jewish
Rescuers during the Shoah
POB 23718 Jerusalem 91236
Mission Statement
The Jerusalem Working Group was formed to gain recognition in Israel and world-wide for major Jewish rescuers during the Holocaust. These exemplary individuals had strategic impact on rescue and their dedication and talent resulted in saving hundreds of thousands of Jews. Some were dedicated to rescue in Nazi/Fascist infested Europe, while the activism of others was in the free world.
We believe that lessons learned from Holocaust era rescuers are critical, that we are obliged to ask what we can do for today's burning problems and do it.
The Working Group has no political or other affiliations and the above is its sole mission.
The Working Group members are dedicated volunteers. Whenever possible we collaborate with other groups seeking recognition of rescuers.
For additional details see:
About Us.
More detailed About.pdf and Jerusalem Working Group White Paper may be requested from
International Rescuer Day 2009 at the Jerusalem Cinematheque Details
International Rescuer Day 2008
In Memory of Professor David Kranzler z"l
Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl Memorial Evening on his 50th Death Anniversary
International Rescuer Day 2007
Speakers: Rabbi Ari Kahn, Bill Mehlman, Dr. Becky Kook, Larry Pfeffer
Music by David ben Reuven
Held in various countries on or around January 17, 200
Jerusalem event held at the Israel Center, Rechov Keren Hayesod 22 - Jerusalem
In cooperation with the Root and Branch Association, Ltd. and the Israel Center
Also in Memory of Professor David Kranzler Z''L, who recently passed away
Held in Jerusalem in December 2007
Chairman: Bill Mehlman
Speakers: Jacob Fuchs on his new book based on Rabbi Weissmandl's "Min Ha Metzar",
Bill Mehlman, David Steiner, Larry Pfeffer
In cooperation with the Root and Branch Association, Ltd. and the Israel Center<
Held in various countries around January 17, 2007
Jerusalem event held at the Hebrew University Givat Ram campus, Beit Belgia Building
Click on event name for the further details
Conference on Rescue and Rescuers: Different Forms and Achievements
Co-organized with Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York
Held December 27, 2006 at the Hebrew University Givat Ram campus, Beit Belgia Building
9AM to late afternoon
Click on Conference name for the further details
Click on either picture to see larger image and explanation
The Jerusalem Working Group White Paper provides additional historic background. It may be obtaind via
Paintings created for International Rescuer Day 2006
Hanalisa Omer
Rechov HaNerd 32a, Jerusalem 96626
Tel: (077) 322-0699 and (052) 305-6505
Calligraphic art by Elyakim Bruck
(052) 256-8985 in Israel
Some Major Non-Jewish and Jewish Rescuers
In spite of Nazi and Fascist determination to murder the Jews of Europe rescue was possible, even on a large scale. This is very significant, because, as far as it is known, there was no similar rescue during the world-wide Communist genocide which took the life of an estimated 94 million people (per Harvard Press "The Black Book of Communism").
Some people know about the deeds of major non-Jewish diplomatic rescuers like
Apostolic delegate Angello Giuseppe Roncalli in Turkey, later known as Pope John XXIII
Monsignor Angello Rotta, Papal Nuncio in Budapest
Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Portugese diplomat who saved tens of thousands
Carl Lutz , Swiss diplomat in Budapest
Feng-Shan Ho, Chinese diplomat in Vienna
Giorgio "Jorge" Perlasca, "Acting Charge d'Affaires" of the Spanish Legacy in Budapest
Per Anger, Swedish diplomat in Budapest
Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat in Budapest
Sempo ("Chiune") Sugihara, Japanese diplomat in Vilna
and other diplomats. A much more detailed list has been developed by Mr. Eric Saul - Director of "Visas for Life".
Far fewer people know about such major Jewish rescuers as
George Mantello (Mandel Gyuri)
Gizi Fleischmann, and colleagues in the Bratislava "Working Group"
Hillel Kook (alias Peter Bergson) and colleagues in the "Bergson Group" (Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People pf Europe)
Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl , and colleagues in the Bratislava "Working Group"
Recha and Yitzchok Sternbruch
Rabbi Solomon Schoenfeld
Young Jewish Zionist activists in Budapest
and others
(Alphabetized by first name)
The Jerusalem Working Group, named after the legendary Shoah era Bratislava Working Group, aims to change this and gain appropriate and long overdue recognition for major Jewish Shoah era rescuers.
Background material (Photos, Summaries, References)
Content submissions and volunteers
Those who are interested in the working group's work, want to volunteer or send archival material (especially photos, audio recordings or films/videos) related to major rescuers are invited to contact the editorial team via and start SUBJECT headings with "JWG SUBMISSION" (without quotes). If content is submitted via eMail please try to phrase and organize it to be ready for posting, without need for editing. The JWG will be thankful for submissions, but may decide not to post certain items or parts of some submissions. Generally content will be posted in less than a month. Submitters will be notified of posting by eMail. Submitters are requested to provide their full name, city and country of residence and eMail information (for posting with submitted content).
We are looking for creative volunteers with dedication to the subject and the following skills: Web development (including graphics), writers/teachers (for booklet and curriculum development, plays, short stories and novels about the fascinating stories of rescuers), song writers/singers (to write/sing ballads/songs about rescuers), artists (to paint about "beacons in the dark"), producers (to develop scripts and produce videos about major rescuers), public relations (for lobbying in US Congress and Senate, Israel's Knesset, UK Parliament, UN), fund raisers and others who think they can make a contribution to the mission's success.
Raoul Wallenberg Initiatives
Raoul Wallenberg Missing in Action Public Appeal
Where is Raoul? - February 1, 2005 Jerusalem Rally