Jerusalem Working
for Recognition of Major Jewish
Rescuers during the Shoah
POB 23718 Jerusalem 91236
Photos of Some of the Major Jewish Rescuers
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George Mantello |
Mrs. Gizi Fleischmann |
Hillel Kook |
Rb Solomon Schonfeld |
Rb. Michael Ber |
(First name order)
(*) Etzel emissary to the United
Formed and headed the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People
of Europe,
also known as the "Bergson Group"
Portraits of some major non-Jewish and Jewish rescuers
Some of the major rescuers and rescue teams:
Monsignor Angelo Rotta, Papal Nuncio in Budapest
Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Portugese diplomat who saved tens of thousands
Bratislava Working Group, principal members: Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl and Mrs. Gizi Fleischmann, Andre Steiner, Rabbi Ármin Frieder, Oscar Neumann, Tibor Kovács, Willy Furst and collaborators Emanuel Frieder, Julius Natali, Juraj Révész and Shlomo Stern
Carl Lutz, Swiss ambassador in Budapest
Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of
Europe ("Bergson Group"), some of the
principal members: Hillel Kook (Peter Bergson), Alex
Hadani Rafaeli, Alex Wilf,
Arieh Ben-Eliezer, Arthur Szyk, Ben Hecht, Rabbi Ben Rabinowitz
Eri Jabotinsky, Esther Untermeyer, Gabe Wechsler, Senator Guy Gillette,
Harry Selden, Johan Smertenko, Konrad Bercovici, M. Berchin, Samuel
Merlin, Sigrid Unset, Stella Adler, Congressman Will Rogers Jr.,
Yitzchak Ben-Ami
Feng-Shan Ho, Chinese consul in Vienna
George Mantello (Mandel Gyuri), Hungarian Jew from Romania working for El Salvador consulate in Switzerland
Giorgio Perlasca, Acting Charge d’Affaires of the Budapest Spanish Legacy
Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat in Budapest
Sempo "Chiune" Sugihara, Japanese consul in Lithuania
Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld, England
Va’ad Hatzalah in Switzerland, Mrs. Recha Sternbuch, Itzhak Sternbuch and others
(In alphabetic order by first name. Names of leaders of rescue groups are italicized)
Many Gentile rescuers are listed on Web site:
A Few References ...
Abraham Fuchs, The Unheeded Cry (also in Hebrew as "Karati ve ein oneh")
Ben Hecht, Perfidy (also in Hebrew - as Kachas)
David Kranzler, Thy Brother’s Blood
David Kranzler, The Man who Stopped the Trains to Auschwitz: George Mantello, El Salvador’s and Switzerland’s finest hour
David Kranzler, Holocaust Hero: Solomon Shoenfeld - The Untold Story of an Extraordinary British Rabbi who Rescued 4000 during the Holocaust
Jeno Levai, Zsidosors Europaban (published in 1948 in Hungarian, about George Mantello and the major Swiss grass roots protests against the Holocaust)
Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl, Min HaMetzar (From the Straights), in Hebrew
David Wyman and Rafael Medoff, A Race Against Death - Peter Bergson, America and the Holocaust
Our "White Paper" can be found at White Paper
There are many other references to books, articles and on Internet. Suggest search on the rescuers', their groups' and the authors' names and terms like: "Auschwitz Protocol", "Auschwitz Report", "Rabbis March", "War Refugee Board", "Europa Plan", "Wyman Institute", "We Shall Never Die", "Kindertransport"
Some suggested Web sites:
Also many Web pages on
(David S. Wyman
Institute for Holocaust Studies)