Jerusalem Working Group
for Recognition of Major Jewish Rescuers during the Shoah
POB 23718 Jerusalem 91236
About us
During the darkest days of the Shoah, there were Jews and non-Jews from various countries who refused to put aside the torch of humanity and liberty, even as its light seemed all but extinguished. They were a remarkable group of rugged individuals, people of enormous talent, moral sense, dedication, courage and ability to innovate. They succeeded in snatching hundreds of thousand Jews from the Nazis’, Fascists’ and antisemites’ killing grounds in the face of intensive bureaucratic obstruction and indifference. History has largely failed to mark their deeds, thus, regrettably, important lessons from the tragedy of the Shoah were not learned. Holocaust centers world-wide have yet to provide appropriate recognition to major Jewish rescuers. Israel didn’t name public places after them, issued no stamps and coins in their honor and most schools don’t teach about them. The Jerusalem Working Group is determined to rectify this and is dedicated to realizing the honor and recognition that has so long been denied.
The JWG is an organization of academics, historians, Holocaust survivors, concerned people in Israel and internationally, and families of Jews who, defying all risks, played a seminal role in the rescue of large numbers of Jews from the murderers. JWG has no political affiliation and its members are volunteers from all walks of life, dedicated to the principle that justice delayed will no longer remain justice undone and that the brilliant beacons in the dark period of the Shoah will serve as role models for our time.